Capital Campaign Blog

We are shining the spotlight on the Warren Family, who have committed their support to the Capital Campaign. Kevin is a dedicated CRC volunteer and a member of the family.

By Kevin Campbell

I have always been drawn to philanthropy after watching my grandparents (Frank and Joanne Warren) spend their lifetime as a guiding force in many of San Diego’s leading art and civic institutions. My grandmother was the first Chairwoman of the San Diego Zoo Foundation and has always taught us to give back to the community.

“I have been fortunate enough to not only have a great family, but that I’ve never had to worry about having food on the table or a roof over my head.  My family instilled in me the importance of helping others that are less fortunate in any way I can.”

I recently moved back home to San Diego with my wife, Kendall, and daughter, Cate, from up north. On my return, I decided that I wanted to get involved and make a hands-on difference with a nonprofit organization. After researching many different nonprofits, I found that CRC resonated with me for many reasons.

Their mission – to provide those in need with shelter, rent, food, and/or transportation with compassion – is one of the many reasons why I wanted to become involved. CRC not only distributes healthy food to hungry households, but they also offer professional counseling and a domestic violence shelter for those who are experiencing abuse.

I have since volunteered on the CRC truck and helped with picking up and dropping off food donations to those in need. My first few jobs as a teenager were in food (I worked in the meat department at Vons & Sprouts), so being able to go back to some of my roots was very appealing. And even after a short time, working with CRC has already been fulfilling.

CRC’s Food and Nutrition Center is at the frontlines of trying to help with food insecurity in North County San Diego, which is very important to me and my family. Being able to build a new, larger Center is one of reasons our family foundation is supporting the capital campaign.

My entire family including my mother Lisa, aunts Carol & Tracy and my grandmother Joanne have contributed to CRC’s capital campaign.  Our ability to make even a small difference in our community has been very rewarding to all of us.

In this photo, that’s me in the top left corner, second in, with Kendall holding Cate below me in the front row. We’re a large crew and among us here is my grandmother, Joanne, fifth in from the top right, who started our family foundation with my grandfather. She inspires me everyday with acts of kindness.

If you’d like to learn more about CRC’s capital campaign, how you can support our shared vision for a new campus, and what naming opportunities are available, please visit the campaign website or send an email to