Photo of a smiling person
Photo of a smiling person
Photo of a smiling person

Resource Center
Capital Campaign

CRC serves more than 7,200 people each year with emergency assistance, domestic violence emergency shelter, counseling, housing stability and access to food. Our services have grown exponentially in both scope and number of clients served since 1979 and we need space to not only keep up with the demand, but to improve and expand.

One Community One Heart

Campaign Goal $10.5M

We’re almost ready to turn our vision for the future into reality.

Generous gifts made it possible for us to purchase the property adjacent to our existing campus and achieve just over 90% of the estimated $10.5 million comprehensive renovation to merge our independent side-by-side buildings and take full advantage of the opportunities afforded by an integrated design.

By giving from your heart, you will help transform the lives of our community’s neighbors in need for years to come.

Case For Support

When someone chooses to come to CRC for help, they’re experiencing what could possibly be one of their worst days.

Our front-line staff and volunteers welcome every person with compassion, but our current campus doesn’t welcome them into a healing-centered environment with the same warmth and acceptance. No one should have to wait for food out in public view or meet with their counselor in bustling surroundings.

Our capital campaign is focused on how we can turn that worst day into the start of a future filled with hope and possibility.

Our Impact

  • heartbeat icon
    14,936 visits made to our Food & Nutrition Center
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    505,000 pounds of nutritious food distributed
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    1,050 people received food, blankets and gifts during Holiday Baskets
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    317 individuals found safe housing through our intervention programs, domestic violence shelter and transitional units
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     4,601 case management sessions provided financial, housing and career resources
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    3,342 calls answered on our 24-hour domestic violence hotline
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    1,608 people received domestic violence prevention education
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    2,914 counseling sessions provided compassionate care

I’m no longer homeless in an RV. My daughter has her own room and her own bed. It’s the best feeling in the world.

Homelessness Intervention Program Client
Photo of Clementine and her daughterPhoto of Clementine and her daughter

How can you help?

As stakeholders and as a community, it’s important to be proud of Community Resource Center and feel assured that our facility reflects the quality of the services provided, along with the dignity and hope they afford to all our neighbors who come to us in need.

Fill out this form to request more
information and we will be in touch

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What Your Gift Will Do

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A new building to house and distribute food from our Food & Nutrition Center

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Functional space to be used for client workshops, group therapy, staff meetings or small events and for other nonprofit organizations

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Client counseling therapy rooms that ensure confidentiality

Your investment will ensure we have the capacity to help, now and with anticipated future needs.

Giving Opportunities

Everyone who contributes more than $1,000 to the campaign will be recognized in some element of the building design. There are naming opportunities that begin at $25,000 and include everything from workstations and conference rooms to program centers and entry lobbies and a prominent placement on the new campus exterior.

I just wanted to make sure my children had enough food. CRC helped us get food … it was a blessing because with my husband out of work and me working part-time, it was really hard to afford it.

Jenna, Food & Nutrition Program Client
Photo of Jenna


January 2022

Capital Campaign begins

October 2022

Capital Campaign public announcement

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January 2023

Review final design documents with architect

July 2023

Interview and hire general contractor

September 2023

Begin entitlement review and permitting process with City of Encinitas

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August 2024

Capital Campaign – 100% of goal achieved

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July 2025

Begin remodel and construction on new building

June 2026

Grand opening and celebration

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Our campus in downtown Encinitas is in smaller-scaled 1940’s-era commercial buildings that have been semi-retrofitted many times for our growing needs but are now old and not up to code. Our food pantry is in space originally used for retail, and in fact, it was once the home of CRC’s Encinitas resale store. Our counselors use offices for client therapy on the second floor, located next to a staff kitchenette and bathroom. Our services are in cramped makeshift silos as these buildings weren’t built to be used for the delivery of services to people in need, nor do they allow the staff and volunteers the opportunity to do their jobs the best they can do, or to standards. For years, we’ve tried to make do with the facility but it is now time to have the physical space to serve clients in the way they deserve.

Over the course of 18 months during 2018 and 2019, CRC conducted thorough property research around the question: should we stay or should we go from our current location? In February 2019, the Board of Directors reviewed the research completed by the Real Estate Advisory Committee and decided the best path forward was to remain at its current location and develop a long-term plan to remodel its current facilities and expand satellite service locations. The primary factor influencing this decision was the absence of available by right zoning within its primary service area that CRC could develop to provide all of its programs from a single campus location.

We provide significant support to those who are experiencing homelessness or are in danger of experiencing homelessness, with rent and utility assistance, landlord mediation, workforce and career guidance, food assistance, benefits application assistance and more. We also provide wraparound services like healthy food, counseling, and referrals to partner agencies for mental health and addiction services.

The new campus will afford the following benefits:

  • Accessible building for clients, one that is ADA-compliant, served by public transportation, and includes all program services in one location, as well as one that is welcoming and supportive in its furnishings and décor.
  • Efficient workspace for CRC staff, to enable them to meet with clients in person or virtually in a confidential secure manner, providing options that are more accommodating to a client’s circumstances and support an expansion in the number of clients served.
  • Meeting space for clients to participate in informational workshops on financial planning, landlord relationships and career guidance which are delivered by program staff and our partner organizations such as SDGE and Wells Fargo.
  • Professional presence for the organization, which will attract more funders and partners to support the delivery of prevention and intervention programs, and contribute to the Encinitas downtown aesthetic.

We help families and individuals escaping domestic violence find safety and healing through our shelter, transitional housing, counseling, Therapeutic Children’s Center and legal advocacy. We also provide domestic violence prevention presentations and trainings to schools, groups, businesses and individuals.

The new campus will afford the following benefits:

  • Accessible (ADA compliant) and welcoming building for clients who need crisis stabilization.
  • Privacy and dignity afforded by a properly designed and more efficient workspace for CRC staff to meet with clients in person or virtually.
  • Meeting space for school students and other community members to receive educational sessions on domestic violence and teen dating violence.
  • Program services adjacent to each other, for easier access by clients receiving assistance from the food pantry, housing case managers or counselors.

We provide seniors, unsheltered individuals and struggling families with healthy food and access to education at our Food & Nutrition Center.

The new Food & Nutrition building will afford the following benefits:

  • Entry walkway shielded from a street view and protected from the weather.
  • Interior reception and check-in area that affords clients the privacy and dignity they deserve with adequate and comfortable seating while they wait to be served.
  • Bathrooms designed and designated for client use.
  • Space designed to efficiently obtain fresh food and staples thus shorter client wait times and ability to serve more clients during each day.
  • Space for clients to meet for consultations with a registered dietician, providing educational information and guidance on healthy eating.
  • Increased storage and intake area for food and supplies.
  • Flexible space to offer cooking demonstrations, provide education and recipes to staff, volunteers and clients.
Future Community Resource Center Campus

Future Campus

Our vision is to create a bright, modern facility intentionally designed to serve the needs of our neighbors, utilizing our current campus and the newly purchased adjacent property.

Ways To Give

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Help with outreach and spread the word about the capital campaign

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Make a Gift

You can make a financial gift or pledge a gift with payments over 1-5 years

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Gift Recognition and Naming

Everyone who contributes to the campaign will be recognized

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Capacity Building

Ask for more information about our capacity building initiatives

Fill out this form to request more
information and we will be in touch

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About CRC

Established in 1979, Community Resource Center’s (CRC) mission is to help our neighbors create paths to healthy food, stable homes and safe relationships. CRC is widely recognized as the primary provider of social services and domestic violence programs in coastal North County San Diego. CRC has grown from providing basic needs for families in crisis to serving more than 6,400 people each year with emergency assistance, counseling, housing stability and access to food.