Capital Campaign Blog

We are very grateful to the Dodson family for their support of Community Resource Center for over a decade and their recent Leadership Level contribution towards our Capital Campaign.

In this Campaign Spotlight, Katrina Dodson shares her journey with CRC, which began as a volunteer at our resale stores. Since 2013, Katrina has generously contributed over 1,000 hours of volunteer service. She served on our Board of Directors for six years and has recently rejoined, bringing her invaluable insight and leadership. Katrina has played a pivotal role in shaping the organization, actively participating on several key committees, including Development & Marketing, CRC Tea and the Capital Campaign Steering Committee.

The Dodson family’s enduring commitment to service has shined bright at CRC and we are so pleased we can show our appreciation of their generous contributions with a naming opportunity in their honor at a future staff workstation.  

It was inspiring to be a part of a local organization that helped our neighbors, and I wanted to include my entire family in being instrumental in helping others in our community.”

katrina Dodson

By Katrina Dodson

Katrina volunteering at
CRC’s resale store

I first learned about CRC while volunteering in the classroom at my niece Melody’s school in Encinitas. There was a child in the class who seemed hungry, tired and wore unclean clothing. I asked the teacher what resources were available to kids in such situations, and she informed me that the administration recommends families to CRC for food and support. My friend, Pat Moore, was a volunteer at CRC, and she encouraged me to help at CRC’s Encinitas resale store and learn more. I signed up in 2013 as a volunteer and am still helping at the stores today. 

In 2015, I joined the CRC board, excited about the opportunity to contribute my marketing skills and ideas to benefit the organization. My background includes working in Revenue at the San Diego Zoo and being an active member of the Coastal Community Foundation’s giving circle. I am also a real estate broker.  

It was inspiring to be a part of a local organization that helped our neighbors, and I wanted to include my entire family in being instrumental in helping others in our community. Both my parents were active in local politics and community-focused philanthropy. My mother, Marion Dodson, was the mayor and city council person for Solana Beach and active with the Ecke YMCA with my father, Lee. Being part of CRC felt like a natural step for us, aligning with our family’s values and community commitments.   

I’ve had the joy of involving my family in volunteering at CRC, continuing a tradition of service across generations. My nieces have helped volunteer at the resale stores and events, and my sister has provided support for CRC events and more. My mother has been an incredible force as well, hosting events and contributing her time and talents in many ways. This multi-generational support from the women in our family is not only inspiring but also amplifies the impact we can have together. 

My mother and I decided to support CRC’s Capital Campaign for campus renovations as soon as the purchase of the property adjacent to CRC was completed. We were enthusiastic about helping offer the citizens of Encinitas and beyond the best experience at their most challenging times.  

I recently rejoined the board because my fiancé, Randy Reed, and I are excited to see how our new buildings will transform our service commitment to our community. The added space for both our participants and our dedicated employees is sure to increase engagement and help more of our neighbors.  

Being the board chairperson during the COVID-19 crisis was a test of teamwork and fortitude, as I am sure a remodel will test our endurance. But I know this team, the board, and our caring community are ready to be part of the next phase of what CRC is to become in our city and for the North Coastal neighbors we serve now and in the future.

If you’d like to learn more about CRC’s capital campaign, how you can support our shared vision for a new campus, and what naming opportunities are available, please visit the campaign website or send an email to