Capital Campaign Blog

Earlier this year, we shared our excitement about reaching more than 90% of the goal for CRC’s capital campaign. Included in the more than 90 individuals and organizations who have provided gifts is one of our Board members.

Maddie Altschuler is a Board member who has been guiding our capital campaign fundraising from the beginning. She co-chaired the committee that led our efforts to buy the building next door to CRC. Maddie also made one of the earliest commitments to the campaign with a gift pledge of $100,000. She continues as a Co-Chair of the campaign. Maddie shares:

“This campaign means so much to me and it did to James as well. When we discussed a potential gift, we took great comfort in knowing that our neighbors in need will have CRC in the community for many more decades to come thanks to the new building. Giving CRC clients the ability to continue to seek help in a dignified manner, access food and engage in the plethora of CRC programs available is what filled our hearts and inspired us to pledge.”

maddie altschuler, crc board member
Maddie and James Altschuler

Maddie’s commitment to ensure CRC’s continuing ability to support and grow the organization’s financial capacity is all-encompassing through her generous contributions of time, talent, and treasure. Maddie’s volunteer leadership in CRC’s philanthropy programs began when she chaired the Board’s Marketing and Development Committee, where she remains a member. Fittingly, her campaign gift will be recognized in the new building, on the office of the Chief Philanthropy Officer. 

Maddie’s gift was made in partnership with her late husband James, who passed away last fall. James was also a committed supporter of CRC and just before his death had planned to volunteer at December’s Holiday Baskets program; Maddie decided to honor his volunteering spirit by taking his place. And she continues to honor his memory, with their naming recognition remaining in both their names, Maddie and James Altschuler. 

If you’d like to learn more about CRC’s capital campaign, how you can support our shared vision for a new campus, and what naming opportunities are available, please visit the campaign website or send an email to